Thank you

Happy New Year from all of us at the farm

Happy New Year from all of us at the farm

Thank you. When I began writing Milk Maid Marian in a fury two years ago, I had no idea whether anyone would be interested. It’s turned out to be incredibly fulfilling, thanks to the often unexpectedly feisty discussions sparked by stories from the farm.

I can’t tell you how encouraging your comments are as I thump away at the keyboard.

Please, tell me what you’d like to see more of in 2014 and what bugs you about the blog. Best wishes to all (even the relentless people who want me to advertise ugg boots) for the New Year.

6 thoughts on “Thank you

  1. Happy New Year to you too! It has been a great help to me as a farm writer to read your perspective on dairying in your country. I would not have known about the Chinese take overs of milk plants if I hadn’t read it here, and it has kicked off some great dialog over here in the US, as well as adding to a newspaper column I am writing about them buying up food facilities around the world. So thank you!


  2. I have done a lot of reading on the Chinese milk take over and found it very interesting at the number of cows they have inported. We have a hydro vegetable farm in our area and I heard that the Chinese have visited it and make a number of tapes of the operation. I would like to see more about the running of the farm and taking care of the cows. I love reading Linda’s blog too. She is just a down to earth girl I think. Happy new year to you all from Florida.


    • Thanks very much, Ellie. I appreciate your suggestion and Will do more about the cows themselves in 2014. Has been such a turbulent year here for Aussie dairy that industry matters have taken up quite a lot of space.


  3. I have enjoyed reading everything in general, even though I have nothing to do with farming, dairy, or writing, you have taught me a lot about what goes on behind the scenes. Oh and I love seeing pics of yiur children with that little pooch they have, lol


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